Are your Amazon Sponsored Brands ad campaigns promoting products that are out of stock, yet still costing you money?
What am I talking about?
Doesn’t Amazon Advertising automatically pause ads if they’re out of stock?
Sponsored Product ads – since there’s just one product per ad – become ineligible and pause if the product is out of stock.
Sponsored Brands – since there are three products in the headline plus more on the landing page – keep running unless all products are out of stock.
Here’s a supplement brand whose three products from the creative are out of stock, yet their ad is still enabled and showing up live on Amazon’s site:
Obviously this isn’t how you achieve good performance in terms of traffic, conversion rates, revenue, profit etc. (Or the #1 Amazon Ads metriic)
Want to find out if your Sponsored Brands are promoting products that are out of stock?
Request a free strategy session (for brands doing >$3M/year in sales on Amazon or famous brands).